Anjalee and me!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who wants cake?

Life has been pretty good since Anjalee was born.  I get to enjoy every moment with her and see every little new skill she masters.  We go on fun outings and visit our baby and mommy friends a couple of times a week. I am even able to nap or relax in the sun when she naps.  It's pretty great not having to report to work and being the boss of my day, at least as much as Anjalee will allow.

But as ideal as that sounds, sometimes I wonder what I have to show for my efforts at the end of those days.  No doubt, caring for a baby and keeping the house clean and preparing meals is worth a lot.  It would cost a small fortune to pay someone else to do those things.  But lately I've felt the need to do something that offers a more tangible product, so I've decided to pursue a long-time interest of mine.  Last week I went to the first session of a cake decorating class, and my goal is to learn the basics, see how I like it, and take it from there.  At the very least, I can use what I learn to make cakes for family and friends, and if I really love it, maybe I can build a home business around it.

While I don't think a beautiful cake is going to make agriculture more sustainable or reduce fossil fuel consumption, it does offer me a creative outlet and the challenge of learning something new.  And maybe someday it will inspire something I can do about those big problems.

I know that's asking a lot of a cake, but I'm optimistic :)


  1. yes, cake can be the answer for many things. When do you start your classes. My birthday is in July - maybe you can practice your new skills! :)
